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Outstanding Balance
Written by Alex Bua
Updated over a week ago

The "Outstanding Balances" analysis page can be reached from the "Managers" section of the side menu, following the path Client Report → Outstanding Balances → See Report.

At the top of the page are the items Period and Sector, which allow you to filter the data to be analysed:

Through the Period filter you can:

  • choose the reference period of time to be analysed;

  • compare it with other periods;

  • include quotes.

Using the drop-down menu Sector, data are filtered according to the area of activity of the salon.

With the 'Add Filter' button under 'Period', it is also possible to further restrict the analysis by setting more parameters, including the age, sex or profession of the client, the amount spent, the type of service performed, etc.... There are 20 filters currently available.

Main panel

The first table on the page provides an overview of Outstanding Balances.

The two columns show the following data:

  • Total: the amount of Outstanding Balances generated during the reporting period;

  • Outstanding balances by sector: the amount of outstanding balances generated by sector;

  • Clients with Outstanding Balances: the number of clients who generated an Outstanding Balance in the period under review;

  • Average: the average amount left outstanding;

  • Average Outstanding Balance: the average time the amounts remained outstanding before being settled.

Breakdown by duration

Outstanding balances are broken down by duration in this table.

Please Note: Clicking on the '+' button next to 'Outstanding Balance' displays the list of clients who are outstanding, with name, total spent, how many days the credit has been outstanding and a possible date for the next appointment.

Outstanding Balance by team member

The 'Outstanding Balances per Co-worker' box shows the outstanding balances in relation to each staff member (the average amount, the number of services outstanding, the percentage weight of outstanding balances on the individual staff member's income).

Outstanding Balances for Services and Products

The 'Outstanding Balances for Services and Products' box, on the other hand, analyses products and services not yet paid for, both numerically and as an economic value.

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