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Profitability Breakdown
Written by Alex Bua
Updated over a year ago

The 'Profitability Breakdown' is accessible from the side menu, through the Managers and Company Reports section. From this area it is possible to consult and analyse the company's profitability in a specific period, providing more detail than the general picture visible on the main Report page.

At the top of the page are the Period and Sector headings, which allow you to filter the data to be analysed:

Through the Period filter it is possible to:

  • choose the reference time period to be analysed;

  • compare it with other periods;

  • include proposals.

Using the Sector drop-down menu, on the other hand, it is possible to filter the data according to the area of activity of the salon.

Main Panel

The main panel of the Profitability Breakdown shows the Total and the Average Spend (the latter refers to the ratio of takings to the number of receipts issued).

In the Total column there are several data points that analyse profitability in detail, including:

  • the overall total of revenues

  • the total passes and passes per sector;

  • Revenues generated by treatments, products and promotions.

In the Average spend column, on the other hand, the information shown refers to:

  • General average spend;

  • Average spend per sector;

  • Frequency per sector;

  • Average spend Products (by sector);

  • Revenues produced;

  • Suspended amounts.

Gender breakdown

The next box analyses the data according to the gender of the clients served:

The data analysed are the same for both genders:

  • Revenues: the total revenue generated;

  • Total Visits: the number of clients served;

  • New: the number of new clients;

  • Average Visit Frequency: the frequency with which they were served based on the period analysed;

  • New R: new appointments that involved a client request;

  • Total R: the total number of services with a request expressed by the client (the incidence of "Requested" is an important figure for identifying client loyalty)

  • Avg.Spend: the average spend by gender.

Weekly breakdown

The last panel of this section shows the weekly breakdown of services performed in the salon, broken down by sector, indicating for each item

  • category (type of service);

  • quantity;

  • average spend;

  • revenue;

  • % on total treatments carried out;

  • % on total visits carried out.

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