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Client Portfolio Report
Written by Alex Bua
Updated over a week ago

The analysis of the 'Client Portfolio Report' can be accessed from the 'Managers' section of the side menu, following the path Manager Report → Client Portfolio → View Analysis.

At the top of the page are the Period and Sector headings, which allow you to filter the data to be analysed:

Through the Period filter you can:

  • choose the reference period of time to be analysed;

  • compare it with other periods;

  • include proposals.

Using the drop-down menu Sector, data are filtered according to the area of activity of the salon.

With the 'Add Filter' button under 'Period', it is also possible to further restrict the analysis by setting more parameters, including the age, gender or profession of the client, the amount spent, the type of service performed, etc.... There are 20 filters currently available.

Main Panel

The first table shows data on the clients' gender in relation to the period under review.

The two columns Woman and Man show the following information:

  • New clients: all clients of a certain gender who made their first switch in the reporting period;

  • Repeat clients: all clients of a certain gender who have visited the salon in the reporting period;

  • Lost clients: clients of a given gender who should have made a visit to the salon in the reporting period (based on their average frequency), but who did not show up;

  • Recovered clients: clients of a given gender who made a visit to the salon in the selected time period above the average frequency;

  • Average spend: the average amount spent per appointment by gender.

New Clients Analysis

The New Clients Analysis basically focuses on how clients arrived in the salon (by word of mouth, via Marketplace or through the salon website).

Clicking on the "+" symbol next to "New Client Analysis" brings up the complete list of clients together with some relevant data (name and surname, contact details, date of last appointment, total spend in the last 12 months, etc.).

Recovered Client Analysis

The Recovered Client Analysis focuses on clients who return to the salon, in particular on the type of expenditure made (low, medium, high), the number of visits and products/services purchased during appointments.

Clicking on the "+" symbol next to "Recovered Client Analysis" brings up the complete list of clients and the main data on each client.

Lost Clients

The 'Lost Clients' box analyses the data on 'lost' clients: these are the clients who no longer come to the salon compared to their average frequency (automatically generated by the management system). This figure also includes occasional clients.

Clicking on the '+' symbol next to 'Lost client analysis' brings up the complete list of clients and the main data on each client.

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