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How do I edit user permissions?
Written by inter com
Updated over a week ago

With Treatwell Pro it is possible to create customised access to the management system for salon employees and collaborators, depending on the actions they are to perform within the salon. In addition to the owner, other figures can also access the service, simply by creating profiles with different credentials and permissions. Each profile corresponds to specific functions, linked to the chosen role.

The main user profiles through which customised access can be created are as follows:

  • Owner;

  • Receptionist;

  • Employee;

  • Accountant;

  • Manager with reduced permissions.

The division of roles was structured in such a way as to identify groups of actions according to the needs of the company. The names used are indicative of the type of access, but do not necessarily have to correspond to the role actually held in the company (e.g. it is possible to assign an employee the role of 'Receptionist' in order to allow him or her to change appointments in the Calendar or to check out an appointment).

Permissions for each role

Permissions vary according to the user profile chosen:


Has full access to the management system and all its functionalities.


Has access to almost all the features of Treatwell Pro, but CANNOT

  • view the Profile and Manager sections;

  • change appointments after checking in;

  • delete products from the warehouse;

  • use the appointment check-in reset function;

  • delete receipts;

  • view data on receipts issued in the 'Cash' section;

  • authorise refunds (UK & IE only: the Owner will receive a notification email)


The "Employee" profile can:

  • consult the calendar;

  • read the details and notes of appointments-

With the Employee profile you CANNOT create, edit or delete an appointment.


With the "Accountant" profile you can:

  • access the Warehouse menu (in read mode, without the possibility of editing the data present);

  • consult the list of products and orders;

  • manage the "Payment Plans" section;

  • access reports (except for Trend and Clients reports);

  • consult the Profile section (for invoices, bills and active services);

  • consult the Expenses section.

Manager with reduced permissions

The "Manager with reduced permissions" profile allows you to:

  • consult appointments in the calendar;

  • view the details and notes of an appointment.

With the Manager with reduced permissions profile you CANNOT add, edit or delete a reservation.

How to change a user's role

To change a user's role, you will need to access the "Profile" area from the Treatwell Pro side menu and then the "Users" tab (the "Profile" section is only visible to users with the appropriate permissions).

Click on the pencil icon next to the user for editing. On the 'edit user' window, set the desired role from the drop-down menu and click on the blue 'edit' button to save.

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