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Sales Proceeds Report
Written by inter com
Updated over a week ago

One of the features of the "Manager" section in Treatwell Pro is the "Sales Proceeds" - this is where all the daily closures and receipts of your venue are grouped together.

The system allows you to have a constantly updated report of your sales, with a detailed breakdown of the amounts and receipts issued.

The "Period" and "Sector" filters are also available to personalise your data analysis and make it even more targeted. The "Period" filter gives you the possibility to filter data according to a specific period of time or to make a comparison with previous periods, by clicking on the dates in the upper left corner. The "Sector" filter allows you to show data related to only one sector (useful for centres offering a wide range of services).

Each row is divided by day and, when the page is opened, the columns displayed are as follows:

  • Gross Amount

The total amount of fees for the day. The value is given by the sum of the total amount of the services performed (Services amount), the total amount of the resale (Resale amount), the total amount of the promotions sold (Promotions amount) and any suspended amounts collected (Suspended amounts collected) during the day.

  • Net Amount

The total after-tax revenue for the day

  • Service Tax

The sum of income earned from processing on the day in question

  • Resale Tax

The sum of earnings from the sale of products on the day in question

  • Promotion Tax

The sum of earnings from the sale of promotions on the day in question

  • Invoice Tax

The sum of earnings from issuing invoices on the day in question

  • Receipts

The number of receipts issued on the day in question

  • Num. Invoices

The number of invoices issued on the day in question

The columns displayed can be added to and further customised by clicking on the "Filter columns" button at the top of the page. From the drop-down menu, it's possible to choose a single item to be displayed or click "Show all" to make all options visible.

Each column has an "i" icon next to its name - hovering over it will give you a definition of how it is calculated.

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