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How to navigate the Calendar
Written by Alex Bua
Updated over a week ago

The Calendar on Treatwell Pro has two display modes:

  • Swipe Calendar

  • Monthly Calendar

You can easily change the display mode by going to "Profile" and then "Settings" within the side menu. You can then change the date by going to the top left-hand corner of the Calendar.

Swipe Calendar

With this display mode, you can click on the arrows to scan through the month and select a date, both in the past and future. The Calendar will then display your appointments for that specific day.

By clicking on 'Today', you can return to the Calendar of the current day.

Monthly Calendar

With the monthly mode, clicking on the date in the top left-hand corner will display the entire calendar window of the month. You can then select which day you'd like to display. You can use the arrows to navigate back and forth through the months to allow you to consult past and future appointments.

Both calendars allow you to browse through appointments and make quick changes to the bookings recorded in the calendar for the following days. It is not possible, however, to change information on appointments for previous days.

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