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Daily Overview
Written by Alex Bua
Updated over 2 years ago

The Daily Overview is a feature of Treatwell Pro that allows all appointment information and client details for the selected day to be displayed in a dedicated window. It can be called up by clicking on the notepad icon in the top right-hand corner of the calendar, next to the "lightning" icon of the promo flashes.

The Daily Overview window is divided into three main tabs:

  • expected revenue

  • appointment list

  • cancellations and no-shows

Expected Revenue

On the first tab you can see not only the number of appointments, but also the percentages of hours worked, bookings and expected revenue (and potential thresholds for each individual item). When opening, the Overview window shows the data for the current day, but you can choose to view other periods by ticking "tomorrow" or "the next 7 days". It is also possible to compare the current data with that of a previous period (previous week or year).

Appointment List

The second tab shows the list of appointments and key information, including time, client, client telephone number, service and staff member who will perform the service. The number next to the tab name indicates the number of appointments.

The list of appointments can be easily printed out by clicking on the dedicated icon at the top right of the window.

Cancellations and no-shows

The third and last tab of the Daily Overview shows cancelled bookings and clients who did not show up for their appointments. In case of missed or cancelled bookings, it is important to contact clients again to make a new appointment and to update the diary.

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